2 min readJan 25, 2021


  • CS371p Spring 2021: Andrew Do

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Sugar Land, Texas a city outside of Houston.

What high school did you attend?
I attended the Math and Science Academy at Dulles High School.

Why did you come to UT?
I came to UT because I believe it is one of the best school in the country especially it’s CS department.

Why are you majoring in CS?
I have always been interested in computer and the problem solving aspect of computer science always intrigued me.

Why are you in this class?
I want to learn and improve my C++ skills and learn about object oriented programming in general.

What are your expectations of this class?
I expect that I will learn alot of C++ and learn a great deal on general from Professor Downing.

How much C++ do you already know?
I know the very basics (nothing really in depth).

How did you like the two lectures?
Even though it was just syllabus and we were just going over getting everything set up, I thought Professor Downing made it more interesting than expected.

How did you feel about the cold calling?
I think it is very good at making you pay attention in class especially now when having classes on zoom makes it really easy to stop paying attention.

What made you happy this week?
I built my friends furniture only to disassemble 30 minutes later when he decided to leave. :)

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Invest in bitcoin and Tesla

